Friday, May 8, 2009

Cebu Lechon in Time Magazine’s Best of Asia 2009

Cebu’s lechon (roasted suckling pig) is very popular across the Philippines. People have always associated Cebu with lechon. When I was still working in Manila, I was often asked by my officemates or my relatives to bring lechon every time I came back from Cebu.

Now, the Cebu lechon has reached greater heights by being named the Best Pig in Time Magazine’s Best of Asia 2009, Best for the Body category. Here’s the article in its May 4 issue:

Pork Art

When itinerant TV chef Anthony Bourdain — whose love of all things porcine is famous — visited the Philippine island of Cebu with his show No Reservations and declared that he had found the "best pig ever," many viewers were as surprised by the hyperbole as by the country he situated it in. But not Filipinos, among whom the zenith of porky perfection is an indisputable fact. It was just a matter of time before the rest of the world found out.

The pig that made Bourdain smack his lips with glee was
lechón, or slow-roasted suckling pig, perhaps the Philippines' most beloved dish. Usually reserved for fiestas, it has long been a source of fanatical adulation; it's not uncommon for a whole lechón, still hot and fresh from roasting, to be flown across the country for special occasions. Though varieties differ regionally — stuffing can include any combination of lemongrass, tamarind, star anise, garlic, green onions and chili leaves, while condiments range from a light vinegary dipping sauce to a thick liver-based gravy — the basic concept remains the same. A pig is roasted for hours over a fire of open coals, slowly rotated on a bamboo spit, lovingly basted and meticulously supervised until its flesh is so tender, moist and succulent that it can be sliced with the edge of a plate, and its skin so crisp it can be punctured with the tap of a finger. You could call it the Platonic ideal of a pig, but it's doubtful if Plato, or even an entire faculty of philosophers, could have imagined anything so exquisite. – by Lara Day

You can also read the article in Time Magazine’s website. Just follow this

I totally agree. Darn, now I’m craving for lechon.


  1. bai, gi-gutom ko nag basa.... and damn, walay lechon diri - feck!

    And finally, Cebu's Lechon is finally getting the recognition it's long due - and from my idol chef/want to have his job Anthony Bourdain pa gyud!

  2. woot! :)

    re-posting this to my blog bro! :) and a link back syempre... :)

  3. wacky, musta na? can you give me the link to your blog? thanks!

  4. yup gipalaway ko ninyo!! mahal kaayo lechon diri. di sad kalami compara bisag asa diha.

  5. din's i don't know if you saw Anthony Bourdain's episode of Malaysia. they were eating suckling pig too and he said it's the best he's eaten. don't know which episode came first. and i saw Andrew Zimmern eating baby suckling pigs from Spain. don't know now which ones' the best. i'd love to try them all though.

  6. van, i honestly haven't seen any episode of No Reservations. based on the Time Magazine article and what you said, Anthony Bourdain may have a thing for exaggerating his culinary statements. but still, having the Cebu lechon highlighted in the magazine surely helps in increasing international recognition for this Cebu delicacy.

  7. haha.. didn't know that. that Time said 'tony exagerrates his statements. Though, I watch his show everyday and so on Andrew Zimmern's. in front of the TV at work and have been curious about what people from other side of the world eats.

  8. NO, NO, NO, NO, NO. It is NOT Lechon. It's INASAL.

    Get it? Inasal. that's what makes it different... and sooo much better.
